Answer these questions for Thursday, 9-27-12
If you would like to download the document to print out the ditto, click the following link:
1. Identify three vocabulary words and cite what pages you found them on.
2. How did Beatty find out about Montag's books?
3. What happens to Beatty?
4. How does Beatty find out about Faber?
5. What happens to the mechanical hound?
6. What happens to Montag's leg?
7. Why does Montag want to wash up and comb his hair?
8. Give two reasons why crossing the thoroughfare is dangerous for Montag, even though there isn't a car in sight.
9. After visiting Faber, Where does Montag travel?
10. What is hunting him at the end of this section?
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Summer Reading Makeup work
For students who owe me summer reading-
In lieu of taking a test, you will complete a 4 paragraph essay for half credit.
In paragraph 1, identify a dynamic character and explain how that character changed throughout the story.
In paragraph 2, identify a static character and explain how that character stayed the same throughout the story.
In paragraph 3, identify at least three different conflicts in the story, explain them, and then explain how they were resolved (if they were).
In paragraph 4, Identify the climax of the story, and explain how it acted as the turning point in the book.
This essay must be typed.
E-Mail me if you have any questions.
- Mr. Morali
In lieu of taking a test, you will complete a 4 paragraph essay for half credit.
In paragraph 1, identify a dynamic character and explain how that character changed throughout the story.
In paragraph 2, identify a static character and explain how that character stayed the same throughout the story.
In paragraph 3, identify at least three different conflicts in the story, explain them, and then explain how they were resolved (if they were).
In paragraph 4, Identify the climax of the story, and explain how it acted as the turning point in the book.
This essay must be typed.
E-Mail me if you have any questions.
- Mr. Morali
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary
For each word, either...
1. Write a sentence using the word
2. Draw or print a picture that makes you think of that word
Stolid (adj)- Not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive.
Valise (n)- A small piece of hand luggage.
Perpetual (adj)- Constant; neverending.
Gout (n)- A painful inflammation of the joints.
Plume (n)- a feather or feather-like shape.
Illumined (adj)- Illuminated; lighted up.
Bewilderment (n)- confusion
Clad (adj)- Covered with a protective or insulating layer
Thoroughfare (n)- A busy roadway of traffic.
Limned (v)- Described
Squander (v)- Fail to take advantage of
Pyre (n)- wood heaped for burning a dead body as a funeral rite; large pile of wood for burning
Sear (v) - To burn or scorch
Gingerly (adv)- Cautiously
Incriminate (v)- To make one look guilty
Pedant (n)- One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules
Convolution (n)- A form or part that is folded or coiled
Sloth (n)- A dislike for work and exertion; laziness
Bombardment (n)- The attack using bombs, shells, or missiles.
Scythe (n)- A farming tool with a long curved single edged blade and a long bend handle.
For each word, either...
1. Write a sentence using the word
2. Draw or print a picture that makes you think of that word
Stolid (adj)- Not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive.
Valise (n)- A small piece of hand luggage.
Perpetual (adj)- Constant; neverending.
Gout (n)- A painful inflammation of the joints.
Plume (n)- a feather or feather-like shape.
Illumined (adj)- Illuminated; lighted up.
Bewilderment (n)- confusion
Clad (adj)- Covered with a protective or insulating layer
Thoroughfare (n)- A busy roadway of traffic.
Limned (v)- Described
Squander (v)- Fail to take advantage of
Pyre (n)- wood heaped for burning a dead body as a funeral rite; large pile of wood for burning
Sear (v) - To burn or scorch
Gingerly (adv)- Cautiously
Incriminate (v)- To make one look guilty
Pedant (n)- One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules
Convolution (n)- A form or part that is folded or coiled
Sloth (n)- A dislike for work and exertion; laziness
Bombardment (n)- The attack using bombs, shells, or missiles.
Scythe (n)- A farming tool with a long curved single edged blade and a long bend handle.