For each word, either...
1. Write a sentence using the word
2. Draw or print a picture that makes you think of that word
Stolid (adj)- Not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive.
Valise (n)- A small piece of hand luggage.
Perpetual (adj)- Constant; neverending.
Gout (n)- A painful inflammation of the joints.
Plume (n)- a feather or feather-like shape.
Illumined (adj)- Illuminated; lighted up.
Bewilderment (n)- confusion
Clad (adj)- Covered with a protective or insulating layer
Thoroughfare (n)- A busy roadway of traffic.
Limned (v)- Described
Squander (v)- Fail to take advantage of
Pyre (n)- wood heaped for burning a dead body as a funeral rite; large pile of wood for burning
Sear (v) - To burn or scorch
Gingerly (adv)- Cautiously
Incriminate (v)- To make one look guilty
Pedant (n)- One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules
Convolution (n)- A form or part that is folded or coiled
Sloth (n)- A dislike for work and exertion; laziness
Bombardment (n)- The attack using bombs, shells, or missiles.
Scythe (n)- A farming tool with a long curved single edged blade and a long bend handle.
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