Friday, December 10, 2010

SAT Essay-

"It is often interesting, in retrospect, to consider the trifling causes that lead to great events. A chance encounter, a thoughtless remark- and the torturous chain reaction of coincidence is set in motion, leading with devious inevitability to some resounding climax."
-Patricia Moyes, Down Among the Dead Men

Assignment: Do small events lead to catastrophes or are great events initiated by other causes? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 project!

1. Powerpoint presentation-

(1-2 per group) Find images, objects or people in Fahrenheit 451, and then identify a parallel to them in our lives today. For example, you may say the green seashell is like a bluetooth, or the average American voter is like Mildred. Explain how these work as parallels. Create a powerpoint presentation displaying this. This presentation must have at least ten parallels.

(1 person) Make a Powerpoint presentation with six pie charts of selected characters in Fahrenheit 451, and divide them up by the emotions they feel throughout the novel. Include at least 425 words (1 ½ pages) explaining why they are divided in that way.

2. Rewrite Fahrenheit 451 with you as the protagonist living in modern times, not the future. You may present this to the class as-

(1-4 per group) A Film. Film must be at least four minutes in length and must include a script.

(1-4 per group) A play. Film must be at least four minutes in length and must include a script.

(1 person) A written short story. Must be at least 750 words (three pages). Be prepared to read it to the class.

3. Find or write a song:

(1 person if finding a song, 1-3 people if writing a song) Find or write a song that depicts the mood of Fahrenheit 451. Include an explanation of at least 250 words to tell why you thought this song worked. You must have a means to present this song to the class. Discuss with me if you want help.

Come up with a project or essay question of your own and get it approved by Mr. Morali

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SAT Vocab Test Words

SAT Vocab Test Words

























Friday, October 22, 2010

F451 Test

Fahrenheit 451 Test
-Complete the five paragraph essay
- Choose two of the following three paragraph essays to write.
- You should have a total of eleven paragraphs written.

Five Paragraph Essay:

Compare/contrast truth and society in Fahrenheit 451, The Island, and “The Cave”. Your concluding paragraph should discuss our society and how these concepts relate to our world.

Three Paragraph Essay Options:
1. Discuss the use of irony in Fahrenheit 451. You may find examples of irony in “The Cave” and/or The Island to compare.

2. Discuss fire in Fahrenheit 451. How does Montag have a dichotomous relationship with fire. Why is fire a motif in the novel? What is it a symbol of?

3. Which character in Fahrenheit 451 is most like the element fire? How?

4. Why did Bradbury choose to include the poem “Dover Beach” in Fahrenheit 451? Analyze the poem, then discuss its significance to the novel.

5. Discuss Beatty’s relationship with books.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Pearl Chapters 4-6 Test

Long Answer: Choose five out of seven (15 points each)-
1. On page 46, in the second paragraph starting “ ‘I know,’ said Kino. ‘I have heard our father…”, what is religion telling the poverty stricken to do?

2. Find a quote in chapter five that is significant and deals with darkness. Explain why it is significant. Then find a second quote about light and do the same thing.

3. We see a debacle of rationality in chapter five. Explain how Kino’s rational thought is being obscured and find evidence from the text to support your claim. (62)

4. “And in that day the wind rose up to beat the Gulf and tore the kelps and weeds that lined the shore, and the wind cried through the brush houses and no boat was safe on the water.” (66) What literary device does Steinbeck employ in this quote? What is its function in the novel?

5. What does Kino do to the ants in chapter six? How does it relate to:
- God
- the pearl
According to this interpretation, can fate be changed? Explain.

6. Is Juana an admirable or a despicable character? Use evidence from the text to prove your assertion.

7. Why is it ironic that Juana prayed for the pearl in the beginning of the novel?

Essay (30 points)
Write at least two paragraphs discussing responsibility in The Pearl. In paragraph one, discuss the following: As the novel progressed, the pearl slowly consumed Kino, obscuring his vision and corroding his rational thought. Find a quote on page 62 to prove this. Should Kino be held accountable for his actions despite this? Explain your opinion. Use any support for your argument that you can.
In paragraph two, discuss the following: Juan Thomas allowed Kino to seek refuge in his home after he murdered someone, and while Juana knew the pearl was a source of evil, she was submissive to her husband. Did these actions ultimately lead to Coyotito’s death? Can they be held responsible because of this? Why or why not?

Friday, February 5, 2010

The list of 200 vocab words